《法台漫遊》中法語版本上線!We launch a French/Taiwanese podcast =D
鬼島之音 x 法國在台協會 聯合製作 A collaboration with the French Office in Taipei.
Bonsoir mes amies!
Ghost Island Media launched its first multi-language podcast today, “Balades Culturelles Franco-Taïwanaises”, available simultaneously in French and Mandarin. It’s a branded project with the French Office in Taipei with the support of Institut Français. This is Ghost Island Media’s 11th show.
《法台漫遊》是一個以文化交流爲主題的訪談節目,紀錄這一年來在疫情下,法國藝術家來台灣創作的背景、作品、以及他們跟台灣創作者的交流。共有七位藝術家參與訪談:電影導演、演員、電音 DJ、劇團導演、VR 創作者、歌手。本節目由鬼島之音與法國在台協會共同製作,法國藝文推廣總署贊助。
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Collaborations between international artists - and the public presentations of their works - have been tricky over the past two years because of COVID. This was true even in the safe haven of Taiwan. Podcasting thus became the perfect format to document (and celebrate) the exchanges that did happen. (And there were many!)
In this new interview series, we meet renowned French artists who have worked in Taiwan the past two years, participating in residency programs and working with Taiwanese creators. They are music producers, film directors, actors, VR directors, and theatre directors.
The title of the podcast “Balades Culturelles Franco-Taïwanaises” translates loosely to “a stroll.” For Emily Y. Wu, producer of the show, the title represents the idea that culture consumption is meant to be taken at your own pace, like on a stroll through the city checking out all its colors, sounds, and smells. When legacy meets disruptions, it forces us to stop and ponder. One of our favorite quotes comes from theatre director Damien Chardonnet,
"All these years of working in Taiwan have fundamentally shaped the way I see the world." (Episode 3, to be released on April 18.)
EP 1:法國在台協會主任公孫孟做前導,介紹臺法合作的豐富内涵以及多元性。
EP 2:音樂家 The Rodeo 跟 Sam Tiba 回顧2021年參加貴人散步音樂節的經歷。
EP 3:劇團導演 Damien Chardonnet 聊2020年在台北國家戲劇院執導新作《人性交易所》的觀察與感想。
EP 4:電影《為了國家 Pour La France》的導演 Rachid Hami 和演員 Karim Leklou 及 Shaïn Boumedine 分享2021年在台灣拍片的過程與感受。
EP 5:VR 創作者 Hayoun Kwon 告訴大家她如何受台灣歷史跟文化的影響而創作出 «玉山守護者» 這部作品。
“Baladeulturelles Franco-Taïwanaises” is available on all global podcast platforms. Episodes to be released on the 18th of every month, starting March 18.
鬼島之音(Ghost Island Media)是一個PODCAST聲音內容創意品牌,旗下共有十一檔原創節目。自從2019年開播以來,鬼島之音的節目已榮獲2021 KKBOX PODCAST風雲榜「最佳主持人獎」、入圍2022 KKBOX PODCAST風雲榜「最佳新進節目」、2020台灣卓越新聞獎 「PODCAST 新聞節目獎」、2021全球華人永續報導獎。鬼島之音的所有的節目都可以在全球及台灣各大PODCAST平台免費收聽。
Ghost Island Media is a podcast network based in Taipei, Taiwan, with current affairs podcast in Mandarin, English, and now, French. Ghost Island Media shows have won the KKBOX Podcast Awards (Taiwan) for “Best Show Host” in 2020 and nominated twice for “Best New Show” in 2021. It was a finalist at the Excellent Journalism Award (Taiwan) in 2020. Ghost Island Media began RSS’ing in April 2019.
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以及製作人的粉專 | And with show producer Emily Y. Wu on
Merci, everyone! Have a great weekend!
- Yours, Emily