What a year it’s been. China staged live-missile drills over Taiwan. Russia’s War on Ukraine continues. Record-high temperatures around the world this summer. And this past weekend we saw the passing of QEII (1926-2022).
There’s good news too though. Two (adorable) pangolins from Taipei Zoo arrived in Prague this spring to fanfare and the promise of a new breeding program. Taiwan is slowly opening its borders. And over at Ghost Island Media, we’ve been busy too.
A Taiwanese Pangolin named Hugo in Prague. Photo from the Prague Zoo.
Nate Maynard, host of Waste Not Why Not
was in BBC Future (Aug25) and the New York Times (Feb12)
英文環境節目主持人 Nate 受 BBC 跟紐約時報的採訪。
Zoe Lee, host of In the Weeds
made headlines for her work on the cannabis movement: United Daily (Aug28), The News Lens (Aug9), The Reporter (May6), and Focus Taiwan (Apr16). She’s running for city councilor in the upcoming mid-term elections.
Emily Y. Wu, co-founder of Ghost Island Media
spoke on Pod Save the World (Aug10), BBC World Questions (June12), Commonwealth Magazine (Apr22), and The nth Venture (Aug16).
鬼島共同創辦人吳怡慈受美國 (Crooked Media)、英國 (BBC)、印尼及德國的媒體的採訪,四月中也在台灣聽天下裡跟行政院環境保護署環境衛生及毒物管理處處長蔡玲儀與談。
Zukkim Rita Jhang, host of Z Party
finished her term as President of NATSA.
Metalhead Politics (Listen now)
In August when Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters made uninformed comments about Taiwan on CNN, Freddy Lim and Emily Y. Wu hit back with this episode about CCP Propaganda. You’ll want to hear this.
八月,英國搖滾歌手 Roger Waters 在 CNN 講了一段有關台灣跟中國的錯誤訊息,林昶佐委員及吳怡慈因此錄製了新的一集英文節目《政治重金屬》回應此事,也提醒國際聽眾有關中國大外宣的大謊言。
Waste Not Why Not (Listen now)
In July we wrapped up Season 4 with AIT (American Institute in Taiwan). The five episodes on green buildings, solar energy, EV, coral resilience, and circular economy are here and with a digital library for your family. You’ll love this game show featuring a company that makes fashion out of retired basketballs. (Also, WNWN is in print this month as a partnership with EnergyOMNI, a new bilingual magazine on energy. Digital copies to come.)
七月,我們完成了跟美國在台協會的合作,五集有關環境永續的內容收錄在英文環境節目《Waste Not Why Not》裡;其中,我們特別回味有「二次運球」及 REnato Lab 歐陽藹寧的這一集講循環經濟。另外,WNWN 跟新雙語雜誌 EnergyOMNI 的特別企劃露已出在雜誌的第二刊裡。
Balades Culturelles Franco-Taïwanaises (Listen now)
In June we completed our duo-lingo series with the French Office in Taipei on film, theater, VR, music, and culture diplomacy. We loved this episode with cast of “For My Country,” a French-Taiwanese co-production that premiered at #Venice79 last week. (in French + Mandarin)
六月中,我們也完成了跟法國在台協會的合作《法台漫遊》,原音呈現五集法文的訪談,以及配對的華文配音版,包括 VR、電影、戲劇、音樂、文化外交。其中,跟電影《為了國家》的導演及演員這一集很有趣,該影片上週在威尼斯影展首映。
Z Party Z色派對 (Listen now)
Three of eight interviews along the gender spectrum have been released. Have a listen to episodes 26/27, 30/31, 33/34. Coming up, Z Party is a media partner to the Taiwan Make Waves film festival (October 14-23 in Taipei.) (in Mandarin)
《Z色派對》正在進行一個「性別光譜」系列(第 26/27, 30/31, 33/34 集),敬請期待更多!本節目也是十月份女性影展的媒體協力。
In The Weeds 大麻煩不煩 (Listen now)
Zoe’s been sending dispatches from Bangkok since Thailand decriminalized marijuana on June 9. Interviews with cannabis entrepreneurs are being edited. For now, here’s on lots of edibles in episodes 78, 79, 80. (in Mandarin)
自從六月泰國大麻合法化之後,《大麻煩不煩》的李菁琪已去過曼谷兩次,也傳送回台北泰國日記(第 78, 79, 80 集),在當地跟大麻業者的訪談正在剪接中!
The Taiwan Take (Listen now)
Episodes return this fall for this current affairs and culture interview show. To hold you over, here’s Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube, at the Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund on The Taiwan Take.
英文時事節目《The Taiwan Take》將會有新的集數上線!上個月,YouTube創辦人陳士駿跟我們分享有關移民及成長的故事。
If you missed our Mid-Autumn Festival greeting on our social media, here it is. Friendships make the world go around, and so the rabbit on the moon is never lonely. To friends near and far, happy season’s greetings!
And as always, follow Ghost Island Media on social media for timely updates: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Until next time - have a great rest of the year, friends!
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