Ghost Island Media in quick bites
Our French-language podcast is back! Season 2 of Balades Culturelles Franco-Taïwanaises is hosted by Aurélien Rossanino, an art and music journalist based in Taiwan. (Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Deezer)
Emily Y. Wu was a guest on Amanpour & Co. for a post-election analysis. See segment here on CNN International.
鬼島之音的法文節目《法台漫遊》出第二季了!由藝文記者 Aurélien Rossanino 主持,之後會固定訪問講法語的台灣及國際藝術家。
台灣大選後兩天,吳怡慈 Emily 跟 CNN 國際新聞節目 Amanpour & Co. 討論中國在選後發出的聲言、台灣邦交與非邦交國、政黨第三勢力,等等。
Dear all,
In Taiwan, every 12 years in the Year of the Dragon, there’s a spike in the number of babies born. Dragons aren’t enough to solve Taiwan’s declining birthrate, however, so in January, we spoke to small political parties about possible solutions. Policy proposals discussed included:
Legalization of assisted reproductive technology to include same-sex married couples and unmarried women.
Addition of public daycare and kindergartens.
Improvement of family-friendly work places led by the public sector.
For full discussions, listen to Episodes 57 (Green Party), 58 (New Power Party), 59 (TSU), 60 (Taiwan Obasang Political Equality Party), and 61 (Taiwan Renewal Party) on the podcast Z Green Party (in Mandarin).
龍寶寶雖然可愛,但也未能改變台灣少子女化的現象。上個月,鬼島之音的女力節目《Z色派對》探討了生育、家庭、及少子女化對策,論點包括:解鎖人工生殖法的限制、改善育嬰環境、增加公托公幼等育嬰資源、公部門帶動增強育兒友善環境,等等。完整內容請聽第 57-61 集:Ep 57 (綠黨)、Ep 58 (時代力量)、Ep 59 (台聯黨)、Ep 60 (小民參政歐巴桑聯盟)、Ep 61 (台灣維新)。
Thank you to new subscribers of
Dispatch From Taiwan, our newest program with the U.S. Institute of Peace. Episode 4 on Economic Coercion will be coming later today, to include interviews with Taiwan’s Office of Trade Negotiations at Executive Yuan, the Taiwan WTO and RTA Center at Chung-Hua Institution For Economic Research, and field reports from a grouper fish farm in southern Taiwan.
Subscribe to the feed: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Web / USIP.
鬼島之音跟美國和平研究院共同製作的新聞節目 Dispatch From Taiwan (英文),第四集即將上線,討論台灣國際經濟貿易,受訪者包括行政院經貿談判辦公室、中華經濟研究院WTO及RTA中心、及高雄市永安區新港社區的石斑魚養殖業者。歡迎在 Apple 及 Spotify 免費訂閱節目。
As we head off for the Lunar New Year holiday, we want to wish you a most restful, plentiful, and beautiful new years celebration wherever you are. Thank you for another year of support and empowerment. See you in the year of the Dragon!
Happy new year! Bonne année! 新年快樂!
Emily Y. Wu 吳怡慈
Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音
February 7, 2024
Happy Year of the Dragon! xo
Could you share which episode is the one talking about the addition of public daycares and kindergartens? 🙏